Saturday, June 28, 2008

My socks

The Knitting Wildflower is having a contest for her blogiversary, and is asking for people to share their sock stories.  This is mine:

Originally uploaded by Mommaknits
I'm knitting my first ever pair of full sized socks - I've only ever knit sock like booties before. 

So far it has taken me about a year and a half to knit these things - after well over a year I had about 1 inch of ribbing done. I thought maybe I hated knitting socks!

Not true!  Luckily, it turns out I hate knitting RIBBING on socks.  It may also have something to do with the yarn - I think it is a cotton blend, but after over a year, and a lost ballband, who can remember?  Anyhow, it is so NOT smooshy.  I like smooshy.

I have now done a bit more - about half of the heels are completed!

Friday, June 13, 2008

A few contests

I have entered a few contests lately - go and check them out!

Georgi is having a blogiversary contest, and is giving out yarn. I mean, who doesn't need more yarn???

Darcy Knotty is having a 200th post contest, and she has a large variety of lovely prizes!

Blind Purls is giving away some nice knitting and crochet books for her 30th birthday.

Gingersnaps with tea is giving away something (sock yarn, maybe) in a contest to get non-sock patterns using sock yarn.

Ali is having a summer goals contest.  My goals are to work on my spinning, both wheel and drop spindle, and to finish my first pair of socks.

Yarn Yenta is having a contest to help raise awareness of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, something I didn't even know existed!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Long time gone...

So in the last 6 months I have been learning to spin on a spinning wheel, and a drop spindle. I LOVE it! I'll try to post more details soon.

I just adopted several virtual pets - we'll see how it goes.

My Pets

The green one has been claimed by my son, imp, and the pink one now belongs to my daughter.

Click on my eggs, and help me out!